Articolul este fulminant, căci autorul îi atacă direct atît pe Victoria Nuland pentru politica sa din Europa şi Eurasia, cît şi pe soţul său, istoricul Robert Kagan.
Un articol senzaţional publicat în SUA de jurnalistul american Robert Parry, laureatul Premiului Pulitzer (echivalentul Nobelului în alte domenii) despre Victoria Nuland, adjunctul secretarului de stat american, a fost evitat de presa din România, probabil din dorinţa de a nu o supăra pe cea care a băgat spaima în politicienii români!
Articolul are titlul „A Family Business of Perpetual War” („O afacere de familie din perpetuarea războiului”) şi a apărut pe celebrul site al lui Robert Parry,„”, în data de 20 martie 2015, fiind preluat în România doar parţial pe site-ul „”, sub semnătura lui Radu Pop, deşi el a fost difuzat pe fluxul Agerpres!
Articolul este fulminant, căci autorul îi atacă direct atît pe Victoria Nuland pentru politica sa din Europa şi Eurasia, cît şi pe soţul său, istoricul Robert Kagan: „Victoria Nuland şi Robert Kagan au în derulare o afacere de familie. De la Departamentul de Stat, ea generează razboaie şi, din paginile de opinie, el cere Congresului să cumpere mai multe arme. Este suficient ca acest duet în familie neobişnuit să facă un pas sau doi că industria militară a şi primit fonduri suplimentare” (folosim pentru traducerea citatelor textul publicat de Radu Pop)!
Înainte de a trece în revistă principalele idei ale articolului, precizăm, pentru cei care nu ştiu cine este Robert Parry, că acesta a primit Premiul Pulitzer în anul 1985, cînd lucra la „Associated Press”, pentru investigaţiile sale despre CIA, care au generat o anchetă a Congresului american! Iată menţiunea de pe site-ul oficial al Premiului Pulitzer (
Robert Parry spune tranşant că „dacă nu ar fi fost acţiunile d-nei Nuland, criza ucraineană poate că nu lua forme atât de acute”. Mai mult, chiar, Parry scrie că, personal, Victoria Nuland i-a îndemnat pe activiştii de partid şi pe oamenii de afaceri din Ucraina să-l conteste pe fostul preşedinte din această ţară, Viktor Ianukovici, fiind chiar prezentă în iarna lui 2014 pe Maidan, unde împărţea pachete cu mîncare printre protestanţi! N-a uitat, însă, să le amintească ucrainenilor că SUA a investit 5 miliarde de dolari pentru ca Ucraina să aspire la aderarea în UE, adaugă jurnalistul american.
Parry scrie că însăşi Victoria Nuland a selectat candidaţii pentru funcţiile de conducere după căderea lui Ianukovici şi ar fi declarat despre Arseni Iateniuk, care avea să fie ales Premier: „Iat este un băiat de-al nostru”!
În acelaşi timp, soţul Victoriei Nuland, istoricul Robert Kagan, solicita Congresului american „să cheltuiască mai multe miliarde de dolari pentru industria militara” pentru apărarea Ucrainei!
Robert Kagan, soţul Victoriei Nuland, a publicat mai multe lucrări, trei dintre ele apărînd şi în limba română, două fiind editate de Humanitas.
Pentru a evita orice speculaţie, iată ce scrie Wikipedia despre Robert Kagan, soţul Victoriei Nuland: „
„In 1983, Robert Kagan was foreign policy advisor to New York Republican Representative Jack Kemp. From 1984–86, under the administration of Ronald Reagan, he was a speechwriter for Secretary of State George P. Shultz and a member of the State Department Policy Planning Staff. From 1986–1988 he served in the State Department Bureau of Inter-American Affairs. Kagan co-founded the now-defunct Project for the New American Century with William Kristol in 1997. From 1998 until August, 2010, Kagan was a Senior Associate with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He was appointed senior fellow in the Center on United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution in September 2010.
During the 2008 presidential campaign he served as foreign policy advisor to John McCain, the Republican Party’s nominee for President of the United States in the 2008 election.
Kagan also serves on the State Department’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board under Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton andJohn Kerry. He is also a member of the board of directors for The Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI)”.
Zilele trecute, mai exact între 15-16 iulie a.c., Victoria Nuland s-a aflat din nou la Kiev, unde a reuşit să impună un statut special al regiunii Donbas. În seara în care a sosit la Kiev, potrivit Agerpres, Nuland a declarat: „Aş vrea să spun că mâine (joi) Rada Supremă va avea încă o zi istorică, la fel ca multe altele în ultimele opt luni, pentru că se lucrează la o nouă legislație menită să schimbe țara. Mâine însă parlamentul va examina un pachet complet de reforme legislative care va finaliza ceea ce cere FMI pentru a oferi următoarea tranșă a împrumutului pentru Ucraina”.
Vă prezentăm mai jos textul integral al articolului lui Robert Parry, la care am făcut referire mai sus:
Exclusive:Victoria Nuland and Robert Kagan have a great mom-and-pop business going. From the State Department, she generates wars and – from op-ed pages – he demands Congress buy more weapons. There’s a pay-off, too, as grateful military contractors kick in money to think tanks where other Kagans work, writes Robert Parry.
By Robert Parry
Neoconservative pundit Robert Kagan and his wife, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, run a remarkable family business: she has sparked a hot war in Ukraine and helped launch Cold War II with Russia – and he steps in to demand that Congress jack up military spending so America can meet these new security threats.
This extraordinary husband-and-wife duo makes quite a one-two punch for the Military-Industrial Complex, an inside-outside team that creates the need for more military spending, applies political pressure to ensure higher appropriations, and watches as thankful weapons manufacturers lavish grants on like-minded hawkish Washington think tanks.
Not only does the broader community of neoconservatives stand to benefit but so do other members of the Kagan clan, including Robert’s brother Frederick at the American Enterprise Institute and his wife Kimberly, who runs her own shop called the Institute for the Study of War.
Robert Kagan, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution (which doesn’t disclose details onits funders),used his prized perchon the Washington Post’s op-ed page on Friday to bait Republicans into abandoning the sequester caps limiting the Pentagon’s budget, which he calculated at about $523 billion (apparently not counting extra war spending). Kagan called on the GOP legislators to add at least $38 billion and preferably more like $54 billion to $117 billion:
“The fact that [advocates for more spending] face a steep uphill battle to get even that lower number passed by a Republican-controlled Congress says a lot — about Republican hypocrisy. Republicans may be full-throated in denouncing [President Barack] Obama for weakening the nation’s security, yet when it comes to paying for the foreign policy that all their tough rhetoric implies, too many of them are nowhere to be found. …
“The editorial writers and columnists who have been beating up Obama and cheering the Republicans need to tell those Republicans, and their own readers, that national security costs money and that letters and speeches are worse than meaningless without it. …
“It will annoy the part of the Republican base that wants to see the government shrink, loves the sequester and doesn’t care what it does to defense. But leadership occasionally means telling people what they don’t want to hear. Those who propose to lead the United States in the coming years, Republicans and Democrats, need to show what kind of political courage they have, right now, when the crucial budget decisions are being made.”
So, the way to show “courage” – in Kagan’s view – is to ladle ever more billions into the Military-Industrial Complex, thus putting money where the Republican mouths are regarding the need to “defend Ukraine” and resist “a bad nuclear deal with Iran.”
Yet, if it weren’t for Nuland’s efforts as Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, the Ukraine crisis might not exist. A neocon holdover who advised Vice President Dick Cheney, Nuland gained promotions under former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and received backing, too, from current Secretary of State John Kerry.
Confirmed to her present job in September 2013, Nuland soon undertook an extraordinary effort to promote “regime change” in Ukraine. She personally urged on business leaders and political activists to challenge elected President Viktor Yanukovych. She reminded corporate executives that the United States had invested $5 billion in their “European aspirations,” and she literally passed out cookies to anti-government protesters in Kiev’s Maidan square.
Working with other key neocons, including National Endowment for Democracy President Carl Gershman and Sen. John McCain, Nuland made clear that the United States would back a “regime change” against Yanukovych, which grew more likely as neo-Nazi and other right-wing militias poured into Kiev from western Ukraine.
In early February 2014, Nuland discussed U.S.-desired changes with U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt (himself a veteran of a “regime change” operation at the International Atomic Energy Agency, helping to installU.S. yes man Yukiya Amanoas the director-general in 2009).
Nuland treated her proposed new line-up of Ukrainian officials as if she were trading baseball cards, casting aside some while valuing others. “Yats is the guy,” she said of her favorite Arseniy Yatsenyuk.
Disparaging the less aggressive European Union, she uttered “Fuck the EU” – and brainstormed how she would “glue this thing” as Pyatt pondered how to “mid-wife this thing.” Their unsecure phone call wasintercepted and leaked.
Ukraine’s‘Regime Change’
The coup against Yanukovych played out on Feb. 22, 2014, as the neo-Nazi militias and other violent extremists overran government buildings forcing the president and other officials to flee for their lives. Nuland’s State Department quickly declared the new regime “legitimate” and Yatsenyuk took over as prime minister.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, who had been presiding over the Winter Olympics at Sochi, was caught off-guard by the coup next door and held a crisis session to determine how to protect ethnic Russians and a Russian naval base in Crimea, leading to Crimea’s secession from Ukraine and annexation by Russia a year ago.
Though there was no evidence that Putin had instigated the Ukraine crisis – and indeed all the evidence indicated the opposite – the State Department peddled a propaganda theme to the credulous mainstream U.S. news media about Putin having somehow orchestrated the situation in Ukraine so he could begin invading Europe. Former Secretary of State Clinton compared Putin to Adolf Hitler.
As the new Kiev government launched a brutal “anti-terrorism operation” to subdue an uprising among the large ethnic Russian populations of eastern and southern Ukraine, Nuland and other American neocons pushed for economic sanctions against Russia and demanded arms for the coup regime. [See’s “What Neocons Want from Ukraine Crisis.”]
Amid the barrage of “information warfare” aimed at both the U.S. and world publics, a new Cold War took shape. Prominent neocons, including Nuland’s husband Robert Kagan, a co-founder of the Project for the New American Century which masterminded the Iraq War, hammered home the domestic theme that Obama had shown himself to be “weak,” thus inviting Putin’s “aggression.”
In May 2014, Kagan published a lengthy essay inThe New Republicentitled “Superpowers Don’t Get to Retire,” in which Kagan castigated Obama for failing to sustain American dominance in the world and demanding a more muscular U.S. posture toward adversaries.
According to a New York Timesarticleabout how the essay took shape and its aftermath, writer Jason Horowitz reported that Kagan and Nuland shared a common world view as well as professional ambitions, with Nuland editing Kagan’s articles, including the one tearing down her ostensible boss.
Though Nuland wouldn’t comment specifically on her husband’s attack on Obama, she indicated that she held similar views. “But suffice to say,” Nuland said, “that nothing goes out of the house that I don’t think is worthy of his talents. Let’s put it that way.”
Horowitz reported that Obama was so concerned about Kagan’s assault that the President revised his commencement speech at West Point to deflect some of the criticism and invited Kagan to lunch at the White House, where one source told me that it was like “a meeting of equals.” [See’s “Obama’s True Foreign Policy ‘Weakness.’”]
Sinking a Peace Deal
And, whenever peace threatens to break out in Ukraine, Nuland jumps in to make sure that the interests of war are protected. Last month, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande hammered out a plan for a cease-fire and a political settlement, known as Minsk-2, prompting Nuland to engage in more behind-the-scenes maneuvering to sabotage the deal.
In another overheard conversation — in Munich, Germany — Nuland mocked the peace agreement as “Merkel’s Moscow thing,” according to the German newspaperBild, citing unnamed sources, likely from the German government which may have bugged the conference room in the luxurious Bayerischer Hof hotel and then leaked the details.
Picking up on Nuland’s contempt for Merkel, another U.S. official called the Minsk-2 deal the Europeans’ “Moscow bullshit.”
Nuland suggested that Merkel and Hollande cared only about the practical impact of the Ukraine war on Europe: “They’re afraid of damage to their economy, counter-sanctions from Russia.” According to theBildstory, Nuland also laid out a strategy for countering Merkel’s diplomacy by using strident language to frame the Ukraine crisis.
“We can fight against the Europeans, we can fight with rhetoric against them,” Nuland reportedly said.
NATO Commander Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove was quoted as saying that sending more weapons to the Ukrainian government would “raise the battlefield cost for Putin.” Nuland interjected to the U.S. politicians present that “I’d strongly urge you to use the phrase ‘defensive systems’ that we would deliver to oppose Putin’s ‘offensive systems.’”
Nuland sounded determined to sink the Merkel-Hollande peace initiative even though it was arranged by two major U.S. allies and was blessed by President Obama. And, this week, the deal seems indeed to have been blown apart by Nuland’s hand-picked Prime Minister Yatsenyuk, who inserted a poison pill into the legislation to implement the Minsk-2 political settlement.
The Ukrainian parliament in Kiev added a clause that, in effect, requires the rebels to first surrender and let the Ukrainian government organize elections before a federalized structure is determined. Minsk-2 had called for dialogue with the representatives of these rebellious eastern territories en route to elections and establishment of broad autonomy for the region.
Instead, reflecting Nuland’s hard-line position, Kiev refused to talks with rebel leaders and insisted on establishing control over these territories before the process can move forward. If the legislation stands, the result will almost surely be a resumption of war between military forces backed by nuclear-armed Russia and the United States, a very dangerous development for the world. [See’s “Ukraine’s Poison Pill for Peace Talks.”]
Not only will the Ukrainian civil war resume but so will the Cold War between Washington and Moscow with lots of money to be made by the Military-Industrial Complex. On Friday, Nuland’s husband, Robert Kagan, drove home that latter point in the neocon Washington Post.
The Payoff
But don’t think that this unlocking of the U.S. taxpayers’ wallets is just about this one couple. There will be plenty of money to be made by other neocon think-tankers all around Washington, including Frederick Kagan, who works for the right-wing American Enterprise Institute, and his wife, Kimberly, who runs her own think tank, the Institute for the Study of War [ISW].
According to ISW’s annual reports, its original supporters were mostly right-wing foundations, such as the Smith-Richardson Foundation and the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, but it was later backed by a host of national security contractors, including major ones like General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman and CACI, as well as lesser-known firms such as DynCorp International, which provided training for Afghan police, and Palantir, a technology company founded with the backing of the CIA’s venture-capital arm, In-Q-Tel. Palantir supplied software to U.S. military intelligence in Afghanistan.
Since its founding in 2007, ISW has focused mostly on wars in the Middle East, especially Iraq and Afghanistan, including closely cooperating with Gen. David Petraeus when he commanded U.S. forces in those countries. However, more recently, ISW has begun reporting extensively on the civil war in Ukraine. [See’s “Neocons Guided Petraeus on Afghan War.”]
In other words, the Family Kagan has almost a self-perpetuating, circular business model – working the inside-corridors of government power to stimulate wars while simultaneously influencing the public debate through think-tank reports and op-ed columns in favor of more military spending – and then collecting grants and other funding from thankful military contractors.
To be fair, the Nuland-Kagan mom-and-pop shop is really only a microcosm of how the Military-Industrial Complex has worked for decades: think-tank analysts generate the reasons for military spending, the government bureaucrats implement the necessary war policies, and the military contractors make lots of money before kicking back some to the think tanks — so the bloody but profitable cycle can spin again.
The only thing that makes the Nuland-Kagan operation special perhaps is that the whole process is all in the family.
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Ma intreb care dintre acesti doi, mrs.Noland si mr.Kagan,au stramosi din triburile Navajo,Ahwatukee sau un alt trib?Cand imi pun aceasta intrebare este valabila pentru toata pleiada din conducerea acestei tari de-a lungul anilor adica de la INDEPENDENTA, si anume, PRESEDINTE, GUVERNATORI,SENATORI,CURTEA CONSTITUTIONALA,JUSTITIA,etc.Sau imbuibat,au tras de tara asta cat au putut."I HAVE A DREAM", da s-a implinit pentru EI.Astazi aceasta tara este ca un hoit.A ajuns o duhoare in toata lumea,nu mai este "un vis frumos "pentru nimeni,iar acum trebuie sa atace alte teritorii.Da,dar aceste lucruri nu le-au facut INDIENII,doar cei care se trag de pe Valea Iordanului,numai ei au dreptul la TOT si nimeni sa nu se atinga de EI.